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100 Days - 100 Projects

8 min read

Update: I finished this challenge on 25th December 2019. Read more about my experience here.


100 Days - 100 Projects it’s a challenge I’m going to take (and you can join too) starting today (17th September 2019) that it’s meant to improve my programming skills by building projects (lots of them :smiley:).

Think of it as the next step if you ever participated in the #100DaysOfCode challenge.

Note: Scroll down to see the projects I’ve built so far.

Note #2: at the end of the post you can also find 3 variants of this challenge if you feel like changing it a little bit. 😄


  • create a project per day
  • share your progress on Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, etc) using the #100Days100Projects hashtag
  • a project could be: an app, a component, a website, a game, a library, etc
  • you can pick what programming language and framework you like
  • the project has to be done by 11:59 PM

Rules for me

I’ve created some rules for myself that I don’t want to enforce on anyone, but feel free to do the same if you want!

  • if I fail to complete the project for the day, the first 5 people to point it out on Twitter (@florinpop1705) will receive $5 via PayPal (a total of $25). Adding a little bit of motivation for myself! 😉 (Before requesting anything, be sure to check the time in my timezone first - for me the timezone is GMT+2)
  • in this post you’ll be able to find a link to all of the projects that I’m going to create (see the table below)
  • for some of the projects you’ll also be able to find an article/a tutorial

Anyone is welcomed to join the challenge alongside me! I’m going to be available on our discord channel where you can come to share your progress or if you need any help along the way.

Join the discord channel by becoming a patron here.


There is also a Github repository where you can propose any project you’d like me to create! Let’s see how creative you can be! 😄

And if you feel supportive, make sure you follow and support me on Social Media! Thank you! 🙏

Projects list

DayProjectArticle / Tutorial
001Random Meal GeneratorLink
0022019 Mood Calendar-
003Double Noise Flow Field-
004Catch the insect-
005User Profile Design-
007James Bond Tribute Page-
008Live Twitter Feed-
009This or That (w/ dogs)-
010Math Wizz Game-
011Push Force Game-
012Background Pattern Generator-
013Password Generator-
014Contact Page Design-
015Voting App-
017Testimonial Design-
018Typing Speed Test-
019Send Love Button-
020Official Website for #100Days100Projects-
021Feedback UI Design-
022Tricky Cookie-
023Background Animation-
024Hover Board-
025Reviews Design-
026Gravity Switch-
027Line Through Effect-
028Workout Tracker Design-
029Event KeyCodes-
030Animated Navigation-
031New Year CountdownLink
032Text to LifeLink
033Exchange Rate Calculator-
034Billionaires Responsive Table-
035Image Reflection-
036Pricing Design-
037Panda Eye Follow-
0383D Background Boxes-
039Blog Post Design-
040Find It-
041The “Different” Chat-
042Verify Account UI-
043Rotated Nav Animation-
045Loading Animation-
046Image Password Strength-
047Expanding Cards-
048Content Placeholder-
049Theme Toggler-
050Infinite Scroll-
051Side Menu Animation-
052First YouTube Video-
053User Card Design-
054Rotation Slideshow-
055Message Cards Design-
056Digital Block Clock-
057Become a Millionaire-
058Car Avoidance Game-
059Direction Aware Hover Effect-
060Mobile Tab Navigation-
061Live User Filter-
063Blog Posts Design-
064Hidden Search-
065Flomoji 🤩-
066Moving Hamburger Animation-
067Landing Page Header-
068Newsletter Design-
069Dad Jokes-
070Kinetic Loader-
071Donate Design-
072Instagram Image Feed-
073Form Validation-
074Background Changer-
075Auto Text-
076Clip-Path Animation-
077Social Links-
078Color Matching Game-
079Background Slider-
081Drink Water-
082Random Picker Visualizer-
083YouTube Video Suggestion UI-
085Breadcrumbs Design-
086Traffic Lights-
087Invoice Design-
088Blurry Loading-
089Rain Drops-
091Live Visit Count-
092CSS Pulse Effect-
093Incrementing Counter-
094Course Card UI-
095404 Sh*t Page-
097Hotel Reservation Design-
099Cheap, Good, Fast-
100All Projects-

Smaller versions of the Challenge

If you feel intimidated by the #100Days100Projects challenge, you can start small by doing either:

  • #7Days7Projects or
  • #30Days30Projects

The rules are the same as for the #100Days100Projects challenge.

The Ultimate Challenge!

If you feel like #100Days100Projects is too easy for you, then you can go for the Ultimate Challenge by working on #365Days365Projects challenge. Whoever does this challenge really deserves a medal! 🎖

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.