TL;DR: Eat less, move more, but do it in a balanced way.
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In this article, I’ll share my experience on how I lost 25kg in 2 years.
But before that, let’s start with what I did before, and why it didn’t work.
Past experiences
In the last 8 years or so, I lost weight several times, but every time I regained it back and more.
I first lost 10kg, then put it back.
Then I lost again 10kg+ and put it back.
The last time I lost weight was in 2021 when I realized that for the first time in my life I was in the 3 digit weight category, 101kg, and that freaked me out. 😰
Together with one of my friends we got into a challenge to see who can lose more weight and that helped me get to 80kg in about 8 months.
Was super proud of myself, and I started to “enjoy” it and before I realized it I was back to my old habits and quickly gained all the weight back.
I come to realize that losing weight is not the hard part…
The hard part is keeping the weight off.
And that’s really hard. Especially if you love food as much as I do.
Not only that but food really makes me happy. And of course is not the good kind of food that makes me happy, but the not so good kind. 😅
P.S. While writing this article I realized that losing weight is one of the few things people are happy about losing, lol.