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How to create a Notification Box

5 min read


The theme for week #16 of the Weekly Coding Challenge is:


The notification component is used in a web/mobile app when you want to notify the user that something happened based on his action - ā€œsuccessfully completed registrationā€, ā€œerror on an input fieldā€, ā€œconfirmation of deletion of an itemā€, etc.

In this article weā€™re going to build these Notifications Boxes:



In our example, all the notifications appear in the top-right corner (feel free to change it if you want) and for that we need to have a container which will hold all these notifications and itā€™ll be positioned in that spot.

Also, weā€™ll have 4 types of notifications: info, success, warning, danger. Weā€™ll set the notification color based on its type later in the CSS, and for that weā€™ll use different classes in the HTML:

<div class="notification-container" id="notification-container">
    <div class="notification notification-info">
        <strong>Info:</strong> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

    <div class="notification notification-success">
        <strong>Success:</strong> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur
        adipisicing elit.

    <div class="notification notification-warning">
        <strong>Warning:</strong> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

    <div class="notification notification-danger">
        <strong>Danger:</strong> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.

We added an id on the .notification-container because weā€™ll target it later with JavaScript and weā€™ll create some dynamic notifications. šŸ˜‰


As mentioned above, the .notification-container will be position: fixed as we want to be able to place it in the top-right corner.

Weā€™ll also have a little bit of animation on the .notification box when itā€™ll appear and disappear, and for this weā€™ll create two keyframes - grow and shrink - and weā€™ll manipulate the opacity and then the size of the element using transform: scale.

Last, but not least, weā€™ll have different background-colors for each type of notification.

.notification-container {
    position: fixed;
    top: 15px;
    right: 15px;
    width: 500px;
    max-width: calc(100% - 30px);

.notification {
    background-color: #fff;
    border-radius: 5px;
    box-shadow: 0 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16), 0 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23);
    color: #fff;
    font-size: 16px;
    padding: 15px 20px;
    line-height: 20px;
    margin-bottom: 15px;
    animation: grow 0.5s ease-in forwards;

@keyframes grow {
    from {
        opacity: 0;
        transform: scale(0.8);
    to {
        opacity: 1;
        transform: scale(1);

.notification.hide {
    animation: shrink 0.3s ease-out forwards;

@keyframes shrink {
    to {
        opacity: 0;
        transform: scale(0.8);

.notification strong {
    font-size: 12px;
    line-height: 20px;
    letter-spacing: 0.5px;
    text-transform: uppercase;

.notification-info {
    background-color: #00cae3;

.notification-success {
    background-color: #55b559;

.notification-warning {
    background-color: #ff9e0f;

.notification-danger {
    background-color: #f55145;

As you can see we used the .hide class on the notification to add the shrink animation. Weā€™ll add this class dynamically in JavaScript before we want to remove the notification from the DOM in order to have a nice disappear animation.

The JavaScript

One more phase to go. šŸ˜„

First, letā€™s target the notification-container and also letā€™s create a NOTIFICATION_TYPES variable which will hold all the notification types we want to have in our app:

const notificationContainer = document.getElementById('notification-container');
    INFO: 'info',
    SUCCESS: 'success',
    WARNING: 'warning',
    DANGER: 'danger'

Next, letā€™s write a function which will create a new notification when called - the newNotification function. This function will require two parameters:

  1. the type of the notification
  2. the text

Itā€™ll also return the newly created DOM element as weā€™ll use that in the removeNotification function to know which notification will be remove.

function addNotification(type, text) {
    // create the DIV and add the required classes
    const newNotification = document.createElement('div');
    newNotification.classList.add('notification', `notification-${type}`);

    const innerNotification = `
		<strong>${type}:</strong> ${text}

    // insert the inner elements
    newNotification.innerHTML = innerNotification;

    // add the newNotification to the container

    return newNotification;

You can see that the structure of the component matches what we had in the HTML and what we styled in the CSS.

Finally, letā€™s write the removeNotification function. This will happen in two steps:

  1. Add the .hide class to the notification - this will trigger the shrink animation in the CSS
  2. remove the DOM element from itā€™s parent after 0.5 seconds, allowing the required time for the animation to take place
function removeNotification(notification) {

    // remove notification from the DOM after 0.5 seconds
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 500);

And finally, letā€™s see an example of how we can use these two functions:

const info = addNotification(NOTIFICATION_TYPES.INFO, 'Info text added');
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);

I added another setTimeout for the removal and in this case the notification will be visible for 5 seconds before itā€™ll disappear, but you could just as easily add a button that will trigger the removeNotification function if you want. šŸ˜ƒ


This is a simple demonstration of a notification feature. You can go even further and you could add:

  • different positioning for the .notification-container (eg. top-left, bottom-left, bottom-right)
  • a small x/close button inside the notification which would trigger the removeNotification function when clicked
  • icons inside the notification

and many more!

Canā€™t wait to see what youā€™ll build and as always, make sure you share it with me!

Happy Coding! šŸ˜‡